AI Affiliate Suite Review With Walkthrough Demo 🚦 See All ai affiliate suite 🤐 Bonuses 🚦

AI Affiliate Suite

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AI AFFILIATE SUITE Reviewed by Mark Gossage
So, What’s Inside AI Affiliate Suite???

100% Beginner Friendly – Easy To Implement – No Experience Needed

Build WordPress Website Wealth Sites That Rank Using AI…

AI Affiliate Suite is a course that shows affiliate marketers how to build WordPress affiliate websites using 100% AI content from ChatGPT that ranks in search engines.
AI Affiliate Suite shows specific prompts to use to build in-depth informational articles and product reviews that follows Google guidelines.

Users will see step-by-step how to use ChatGPT to choose a domain name, categories for your website, all the necessary legal pages, as well as product reviews and informational type content all structured around Google’s guidelines that rank.

Just some of the powerful features included;

Training Videos Include:• The effects of AI on the Future of Affiliate Marketing
• Exploring different AI tools used to create content
• Picking a web host for your WordPress site
• Using ChatGPT to pick a domain name
• Installing WordPress
• Updating WordPress settings
• Using ChatGPT to create the website categories
• Using ChatGPT to create Contact, About, & legal pages
• Using ChatGPT to create in-depth informational blog articles
• Understanding Google’s guidelines for product reviews
• Using ChatGPT to create Google friendly product reviews
• Using Midjourney to create images for your website

Low One Time Payment! No Monthly Fees!

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Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.

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Foreign Gossage of Welcome to My AI Affiliate Suite review this is Chris Denenberger’s new training course it’s Going to show you how to rank WordPress sites he’s going to show you How to build them from the ground up Install them you know how to get the Settings right and use AI to get the Right content and everything else it’s Absolutely brilliant training course It’s going to take you from beginner to Pro as simple as that so if you want to Build WordPress websites that are like Well wealth sites more than websites That rank using the pan of AI so it’s All done easily fast super simple this Is a training course AI affiliate Suite Absolutely brilliant now before we go Through the training here and it will Show you what’s involved what’s in there I’d like to take you straight on over to The best AI affiliate Suite bonus page On the planet it’s as simple as clicking On the link below this video if you’re On YouTube click on that and come Straight on over to my bonus page here Now as you go through it it’s going to Explain what it’s all about how you can Get to sales Page by clicking on any of These big blue buttons on the bonus page Which will take you straighten over so You can lock it in at the lowest price

Of around 17 and that’s a one-time price Not monthly pay 17 you get access to all The training on Chris’s site plus if he Finds anything else there it’ll be Adding anything new to that site so that As you keep logging back in you’ll be Finding out even more on how to rank Your WordPress websites these are Affiliate sites so you’ll be making Money from them people will be clicking On them and purchasing Chris is going to Run you through everything there to make Sure you know you know you know Everything about it it’s as simple as That I believe Chris concentrates on Amazon mainly for his affiliate products But you can use other affiliate sites as Well you could do reviews and as long as You know you change it a little bit here And there it’s gonna work for that as Well this is how to rank websites built Using WordPress And do it fast it really is an Absolutely Amazing training course as I say around 17 star then our three upgrades but you Don’t need them this is the full course The upgrades are to help with other Things as well which I’ll be showing you A little later on in my review now My first bonus all about WordPress how To install it what to do hey you know I’ve put that in so if you find that yep I’ve gone through Chris’s you know not

Come and have a look in there answers Are going to be here You’re going to be able to get it up Super simple super easy my second bonus All about AI now Chris is going to be Taking you through the AI through track GPT but I just want to make sure you Fully understand what you can be doing Not just creating website content you Can be using it to create ebooks and a Lot of other content as well so this is Going to show you using my masterclass On how to get the full you know full Info on AI basically how to get Everything out of it if you want to Start a free online business this is Going to show you everything you need It’s going to take you through affiliate Marketing you’re going to be able to go Through that it’s going to point out Where free software it is so you can get Started for free bonus for social media All that traffic out there let’s get out There let’s start getting the traffic That is going to convert this shows you How to look at it from a marketing Perspective Facebook Twitter Instagram Social media it covers it it’s there It’s the inside only the secrets that You need if you want to succeed with Social media plus Facebook fan page is Absolutely massive can’t beat Facebook Fan page it’s really a great place to go To become an influencer and a go-to

Person to explain what Niche you’re in And what you can do for people plus it’s Also a way of getting a product as well Because once you know how to build a Facebook fan page the right way update It get that in there with the AI you’ll Be getting the content and everything in There on a regular basis you’ll be in a Position to also sell it as a product to Clients every business should have a Facebook fan page and now you’re in a Position to build a Facebook fan page For any business on the planet and also To manage it so that you bring content Up daily weekly monthly so you’re going To get paid a retainer it’s as simple as That once you know how to do it and You’ve done it you’ll be able to say to Clients hey I can build your Facebook Fan page for x amount and then I can Keep it updated for x amount per month You can even say you know daily for an x Amount per month I can do it weekly for X amount you know and give them a price Scale there so it can be a massive Business this alone can make you a load Of money now you can do your website and Everything And build it all around that bonus bonus Six here traffic everybody wants traffic This is how to go and get it super fast For free it’s all in there condensed to The point put your url there send it to There do it there bang bang bang done

Six or seven different ways of getting Traffic or waiting for you plus I got Nearly a hundred affiliate marketing Bonuses waiting for you as well and all You need to do is make sure to get Credited with the sale it’s as simple as That get credit as long as I get Credited you’re gonna get that massive Bonus page there those bonuses almost 100 you’re going to get my traffic bonus You’re going to get my fan page bonus You’re going to get my social media Marketing bonuses how to start a free Business how to get running using free Software all the train in there there’s A bonus or we get in chat GPT Master Class bonus all about Ai and how to use It in many different ways plus my WordPress bonuses Starts at Ground Zero so you know Exactly how to install WordPress onto Hosting and how to do everything else as Well plus with Chris’s course He leaves nothing out so with that being Said let’s have a look at the sales page And to get there all you need to do is Simply click on any of these blue Buttons on the bonus page and what will Happen once you click on one of those You’ll load up the sales page here it Tells you more about AI affiliate Suite It shows you Chris there if you click on The video you’ll hear his voice you’ll See it’s clear enough you’ll be able to

Understand him you’ll know that this man Knows what is on about it really has Made a lot of money online using Affiliate marketing places like Amazon And everything there and it just here Before you even click he’s saying it’s Going to teach you how to structure your WordPress site how to do product reviews Uh how to use AI to do it’s a lot easier Because you know it just does it for you Near enough so you’re not going to have To do that much and how to stay ahead of The curve with AI and everything you’ll Just learn so much once you’re in that Training course so if you listen to this Video here on the sales page Chris will Go through it and explain exactly what You need to do if you want to take your Affiliate marketing game to that next Level and not just integrate AI into Your business but also make a lot of Commissions from it as well putting that Money where it belongs in your bank Account now if you go down it’ll tell You about how hard it is with that AI How easy it is with AI and affiliate Suite that’s going to show you the exact Method Chris uses everything’s in there You know even keyword things you know Type that sentence in for that type that In for that it’s going to show you how To do Google friendly content once You’ve got that Google’s going to take Notice you’re going to start ranking in

The search engines you’re going to find That you’re going to cut your time right Right down and let chat GPT do most of The building and the grunt work for you For that website your WordPress site how To create content for any topic any Niche be an article anything like that Almost on demand you know you just put Your keyword or your sentence in just Let it run a minute or two depending on How much content it’s pulling in or pass And back will come that content ready to Go so absolutely brilliant if you get it All right it’s going to produce the Content so it’s SEO optimized for you so Once you put it in there the search Engines will love it and your site’s Just going to start moving up and if you Keep doing it you keep growing that site Keep putting your reviews in Google is Gonna fall over itself it’s gonna fall Head in love with you and that means a Load of free traffic coming to your site Without you needing to do anything else Keep building that site out keep that Traffic coming and the only thing that Can happen is more commissions going in Your bank account it really is super Easy so everything there all here Step-by-step training this shows you What videos is in there so you know Exactly the type of training you’re Getting the effects of AI on the future Of affiliate marketing how to explore

Different AI tools used to create Content video three picking a web host For your site using chat GPT to even Pick a domain name yep it’s going to Help you even pick a domain name install WordPress adjust the settings using chat GPT to create your website categories Using chat GPT to create terms you know Legal terms disclosures privacy And more video knowing how to use chat Jpt to create informational blog Articles you’ve also got understanding Google’s guidelines for product reviews Yep get the those guidelines right Google is gonna love it instead of Getting penalized you’re going to get Ranked you then video 11 How to use chat GPT to create your Product reviews for you no you’re not Going to be sat there typing you’re Going to be just putting a keyword in a Sentence or so and you’re going to be Getting back a product review SEO Optimized ready for your site it’s that Easy guys once you know how how to use Mid journey to create images for your Website and they created near enough all The images Chris has got on his uh sales Page here one word of warning Chris has Mentioned to me that since he started Going through this mid-journey have Backed out and they’re not doing free Anymore so you will need to pay a small Fee to use mid-journey it’s I don’t know

How much I know it’s not a lot but you Will have to we chat GPT and everything Else open AI they’re not charging I mean Don’t get me wrong you can pay to get Faster access and you know but the free Version is usually good enough there Just to be shown how to create a site Map and building a Authority with your WordPress site okay gonna have a site Map Gotta Get It Right you’ve also got To give it to Google okay Chris goes Through everything there he’s going to Show you how he sets up a complete Website it’s revealed in the training There and he’s saying after one week of Starting this site on a brand new domain Name it’s already getting Amazon product Reviews ranked on the first page of Google not position one but on the first Page it’s absolutely brilliant if you Can do that there’ll be no stopping you The really really won’t so after the Websites you start building that Authority the rankings will explode okay And just as Chris says imagine once You’ve got hundreds of reviews ranking In Google for product reviews it’s gonna You know how can’t you make you know hey Can’t you just get a commission into Your bank account about a commission There’ll be loads flooding in get this Right keep it building get those reviews Out there and there’s no looking back There really really isn’t and as Chris

Said you can also get them AdSense Approved okay all within AdSense terms And everything plus AI content fast and Easy using chat GPT write content from First person perspective if you know What you’re doing you’re going to get Those results and everything now Chris Has put here about The content that is pulled in okay this Is how it came in my journey to fishing A beginner’s guide to getting started And chat GPT went out there and it Bought this content in as you can see It’s all done you’ve got you know bold Uh texture you’ve got text you’ve got Everything there and even FAQs of the Lot okay you get that you put it on your WordPress website and you know if Fishing’s your Niche bang in that goes And it’s starting to get Google’s Attention in No Time Imagine doing page After page like that if you’re selling Fishing products absolutely super simple This is Chris darrenberger is a seven Figure not six seven figure affiliate Marketer so yep he knows what he’s on About yeah he’s been in the business for Quite a time plus he now knows how to Plug AI into his website so that he can Get absolutely brilliant results I’m Going to say plug in who knows how to go And use it and put it in from himself he Doesn’t depend on client by steps he Does it manually doesn’t take much

Longer he shows you how to do it how to Do fast how to do it easy FAQ is it Software no it’s a video training course Do you have to have WordPress well it Shows you how to use WordPress so it Makes sense really that you’ve got to Have WordPress if you haven’t you can Use a chat GPT prompts and put it on Another website or other platforms if You want but Chris is concentrating on WordPress okay You can use your content anywhere you Like it doesn’t have to be on a WordPress site but that is what Chris Has got it all about you have to have The paid chat GPT account and you say no You can use the free version but as I Say mid Journey they’ve started charging So you’ll be getting chat GPT absolutely Free your main content and everything But if you want the images from mid Journey you will need to pay a small fee Will the content rank in Google yep Chris says definitely will do it right They’ll rank okay as long as you don’t Start filling your website with a load Of other stuff as well if you follow Chris’s guidelines adhere to them keep It keep building it not just do you know One post and expect the you know Everything to happen you’re going to be In there every day putting half air in Or so bang bang bang bang it will Rank And it will keep ranking it’s as simple

As that that’s what the course is made That’s what the training’s about it Takes it all through it there is a 14 Day money back on this also okay you’ve Got a money back guarantee to see the Full refund policy below so please make Sure you read through that disclaimer There Um you know before you purchase it Because if you are you know if you’re The sort of person that’s going to Refund you do need to know what that Disclaimer is about guys okay all there So that’s a sales page absolutely Massive deal we’ll have a look now In the training center here this is a Training center who Chris welcomes you In with a video uh three minutes and Five seconds it goes through it and Explains how be your coach throughout The course so he’ll go through it and Plus if you look at the top of this page Here or near the top that’s a training Center if you’ve got the upgrades you’ve Got them here okay you can click on that If you haven’t got them when you click On it it will go to the sales page for That upgrade so once you’re in here oh I Want the plug-in the you know this Redirect guard click you can purchase it From there expired domains training That’s there done for you WordPress Themes if you want to save time if you Want to get it right there for you there

Those are all the upgrades yep there’s Only three upgrades and as I say just The front end is all about The content getting it up and running Getting it ranking and making money okay You’re not buying the upgrades to go yet I want to put more in the upgrades don’t Give you more in that way the upgrades Give you that plug-in which helps to Shorten your link in affiliate marketing Way so that Google loves it okay it does Help of course it does but it’s not Anything about the WordPress training Really it’s just shortening any links That you’re putting in there affiliate Links expired domain training yeah if You get a good domain traffic’s already Come into it so you’ve shortened it in That way but it’s still exactly the same Just the front end applied to that Domain simple as that the WordPress Themes yeah if you want to get them sort Of laid out Chris shows you with his Reviews and everything then you want the Themes okay there’s a lot of themes in There all there plus to the right Support you go through the training you Don’t understand something maybe Something’s updated it says click here And do that you go in Daniel it’s not There get on to support listen you know At three minutes two in uh explaining AI Tools it showed me how to do this when I Went to the page this is what happened

You know can you help me answer your Guys you know give us a helping and and Chris is absolutely brilliant easy to go On with laid-back type of guy you’re Gonna find that he gets back to you and Fully explains what you need to be doing It really is super simple you’re on your Way to getting your WordPress sites Right up there in the rankings I’m Making the big commissions you really Really are with Crispy oranger it’s hard To see how you can fail as long as You’re willing to put the time in update Your site on a sort of daily basis not Just one post and wait till next year Before you do the next post if you’re The sort of person to get in get it Working get it up there and keep it Working The commissions are on the way it really Is that easy Once you know how now I’m Not going to scroll all the way down in Here because I don’t want well I will on This one but not on all the uh links There because what’s happened is you get That training video here okay And then as you go Below in this one it Hasn’t got the links is just showing you How his ranks in page one page one page One page one page two two two two two uh Three three three three four five six And six so that is how these posts yeah All his reviews are ranking each and Every one they’re all in there they’re

Really really are and that’s using all The content from chat GPT not hand done Or anything like that now I don’t want To keep going down below these videos as We go through them because Chris has put in a lot of help under There he’s putting things like prompts To put in uh keyword things and that That you can use in chat GPT so that it Pulls in that right SEO content okay That is part of the training I’m not Going to be doing that away guys so We’re going to keep it sort of there and Before we do let’s start at the end and The reason being because I don’t want to Go down and click on these and then show You the products in there it shows you How to build Authority he’s got a Training video for that how to install a Done for you theme how to create your AI Images Creating your product reviews okay you Go through that Google guideline there Creating informational uh posts how to Create your website Pages set up WordPress categories WordPress settings How to get your settings right Installing WordPress on a domain uh how To pick a domain name web hosting Exploring AI tools and this one is the Future of affiliate marketing there so If we come down a bit I’m going to click On exploring AI tools there’s a video There and it shows you a bit look

Underneath some of my favorite Facebook Groups to follow so beneath this video There’s also Facebook groups to follow So that you’ll find out and keep right Ahead in the AI marketing World about The AI tools you know what’s happening Bang they’ll bring it out it goes on That Facebook group so getting the groups Have a quick look in there and every so Often find out what’s going on and stay Ahead of the curve web hosting that one Just explains Chris’s you know views on web hosting And there’s a good you know good site Realistic prices where to go things like That how to pick a domain name he goes Through it here installing WordPress WordPress settings set up WordPress Categories creating website Pages create Informational posts and there’s always Beneath all these links and extra help To make it easy and so you don’t have to Write down everything he says you know Ministers go to https double dot forward Slash forward slash you know best WordPress web pages training whatever You don’t have to sit there with a pen And paper it’s underneath the video okay It’s underneath the video or you know Extra tips tricks things like that so That is the training center if you want To make money with affiliate marketing Especially Amazon products and things

Like that where the big bucks are okay This is the training you need guys you Know yourself the right affiliate Products that people want The website that ranks the gits on Google You can’t fail it’s as simple as that That plus that equals money in your Pocket money in your bank account okay So that is AI affiliate Suite that’s What it’s about And it’s all here all Under One Roof all That training now we’re going to go back Over to my bonus page first link below So that we can have a quick look at the Upgrades okay if we get to the Chop we Just come down a little way Upgrade one is that guard plug-in 37 Expired domain training 47 and the WordPress websites 197 okay it makes it so you can set up Your sites in less than two minutes with These 54 done for you Niche based WordPress templates now with that being Said if we go back okay to that training Center if you’ve got access as you click On them the plugin let me just get the Price for that actually let’s go back For that uh upgrade one This plug-in thirty seven dollars okay Now I’m going to click on this link here And it should let yeah and it says here Create short and brandable affiliate Links increase clicks affiliate sales

And growth by leveraging optimized track For trackable affiliate link so you know Where your traffic’s coming from you you Know if you’ve got several different Sites you’re paying for traffic from There and there you’ve got free traffic There you want to know where your Traffic’s coming from because it’s silly Throwing your money away Thinking that yet I’m making a load of Money here I bet it’s coming from there When really is coming from the free Traffic maybe if it is you know you need To either tweak your paid traffic or bin It okay that is why it’s essential if You want to make the big bucks that you Track your links and this is all going To help you track it everything there You can install it it says on up to 10 Domains it’s designed specifically for Affiliate marketers shorten any URL and Multiple redirect URLs okay you can Rotate them uh schedule when links are Active organize links by categories Track total and unique clicks Um add no follow links sponsored and More options Import and Export links Using CSV files and it sends Notifications for broken links so for Link gets broken the product gets took Down things like that it notifies you Because Google penalizes broken links And things so it’s in important to keep Up to date with that and that plugin

Bang it tells you it makes it easy you Just log in oh you need to do that one And that one okay check it out see What’s wrong has the product been taken Down do you need to take that link out And you know maybe put that review on Hold find another one similar bang let’s Go again with it easy as that okay and As it says 37 works with any affiliate Links you go through here now does it Work it explains all that and instead of Having to pay monthly a yearly fees and You can see the sort of money people are Charging 348 and 199 for similar Features okay all there you’re getting It 37 so that’s upgrade one Um If we go back here uh no let me go back Here it’s all right I’m getting lost now I’m losing myself as you’re right Expired domains training okay I click on That you’ve come over discover the SEO Gold mine so if you buy expired domains The right ones you’re going to find You’re getting traffic and as long as It’s the right one you’re going to get The right Niche traffic as well traffic Is looking for that sort of product okay So if you want to harness a pound of Expired domains to build profitable Affiliate websites it’s going to save You a lot of SEO work and extra expenses Forty seven dollars is going to explain How to jump start your affiliate website

It goes through the videos that are in This series here uh intro to expired Domains advantage of using expired Domains finding expired domains create An affiliate websites using the inspired Domains and everything there okay all in There that’s upgrade two if we go back Here now The final one is that WordPress themes Which is a hundred and ninety seven Dollars he’s saying if you want to set Up affiliate websites in less than two Minutes with these 54 done for you Niche Paid Niche based WordPress templates Watch this demo video you’ll explain all About it there it works out to around 3.64 perfume it’s all there and it’s Going to make it so effortless she’s Showing you some of the pages there that You could get here with using these Templates and everything there is Showing you that all 54 there all you’ve Got to do is go over and have a look or Stop the video you know I think I like That one stop the video and have a look Okay just zoom in on it and have a look Why choose have done for your websites Save time and effort you only get Professional quality you’re going to get Flexibility they are cost effective you Give you an instant online presence okay All there everything’s there it’s a Super simple really really is 197 Dollars

And you’re going to get that so if you Want it it’s there waiting for you those Are the free upgrades I’m showing you The upgrade pages and everything else so All super simple really really is so Thanks for watching my review make sure You click on any of the blue buttons on The bonus page which you can reach first Link below the video coming over Have a look through click on any of my Blue buttons get straight on over to That sales page lock it in and as long As I get credited with the sale you will Be getting all of these super bonuses That are on my web uh on my bonus page Not just one you’re getting all of them Plus almost 100 affiliate marketing Bonuses showing you to flip your Websites okay you know how to make money How to use social media how to use Facebook ads and things like that There’s just loads and loads in there That really really is now imagine Building a website getting it ranked Getting it working And passionately on selling that for a Load of money absolute loads and loads You really will if you get websites Ranked get them on places like flipper You’re going to make the big bucks it’s As simple as that now that’s another way Of making money you know as I said There’s just so many ways once you start Looking into things knowing what you

Know knowing what you’re on about Becoming an influencer having the right Skills Chris is going to give you the Skills my bonuses are going to take you Even further as I said you’re going to Know exactly how to do everything if you Want to make money online this is it Guys AI affiliate Suite it’s up for a Few days a week or so and then Chris Will either take it down or they’ll put The price up okay I’m not sure what he’s Doing at the end of this but it’s on an Introductory launch again at that one Time 17 you’ve got all those upgrades as Well at the lowest possible prices they May rise as well so make sure you get What you want check through them on the Bonus page have a look you know The rest won’t work you might want the Plug-in you might want that domain Training you may want those websites and Some of you will want all of it so That’s AI affiliate Suite thanks for Watching my review hope you fully Understand the power of this training It’s going to turn you from a beginner Into you know a fully seasoned Pro You’re going to be able to get your Websites up get them ranked over in a Few weeks a few months and over the Coming year they will be Sky High if you Get in there follow the training keep it Going keep in touch with Chris on Support and things like that if need be

And start making a load of commissions Online make this your year to succeed And start living the internet marketing Lifestyle so make sure you take care Stay safe and I’ll see you soon bye for Now [Music] Thank you