A Step-by-Step Guide: Sending Conversions Back to Facebook’s Conversions API in Workflows

A Step-by-Step Guide: Sending Conversions Back to Facebook’s Conversions API in Workflows


In this article, I will show you how to increase lead quality and decrease lead cost on Facebook by sending conversions back to Facebook’s Conversions API in workflows. By following these steps, you can optimize your Facebook ad campaigns and maximize your ROI.

Step 1: Go to Business.Facebook.com and navigate to Events Manager

To begin, access the Events Manager on Business.Facebook.com. This platform is where you can manage your Facebook pixel and track important events on your website. By navigating to Events Manager, you’ll be able to set up the necessary connections for sending conversions back to Facebook.

Step 2: Connect your CRM as the data source

Now, it’s time to connect your CRM as the data source for Facebook’s Conversions API. By integrating your CRM with Facebook, you’ll have access to customer information and enhance the quality of your leads. This step is crucial for improving lead generation campaigns and reaching your target audience effectively.

Step 3: Create a new pixel

In this step, you’ll create a new pixel within Facebook’s Events Manager. A pixel is a small snippet of code that you place on your website to track user behavior and events. By creating a new pixel, you’ll be able to track conversions and send them back to Facebook’s Conversions API.

Step 4: Utilize Lead Connector as the third-party partner

To optimize your lead generation efforts, it’s essential to use Lead Connector as the third-party partner for sending conversions back to Facebook. By utilizing Lead Connector’s features, you can streamline the process of connecting your CRM data with Facebook’s Conversions API. This integration ensures accurate data transfer and maximizes the success of your lead campaigns.


By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively send conversions back to Facebook’s Conversions API in workflows. This optimization technique will help you increase lead quality and decrease lead cost on Facebook, leading to higher ROI and better campaign performance. Remember to always monitor and analyze your results to fine-tune your strategies continually.

Now that you know the process, why wait? Start implementing these steps today and unleash the power of sending conversions back to Facebook’s Conversions API in workflows!

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