New Updates for the Tasks Widget


We are excited to announce the release of our revamped task widget, packed with enhanced features to provide you with a seamless and efficient task management experience. With the new updates, we aim to simplify the process of organizing your tasks and improving your productivity. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting improvements!

Introducing the Revamped Task Widget

We have introduced a revamped task widget that brings a whole new level of convenience and functionality to our users. The widget has undergone a complete makeover, now boasting a user-friendly interface and enhanced features. We understand the importance of efficiency and ease-of-use when it comes to task management, and we strive to deliver an outstanding experience with our widget.

Link Tasks with Contacts and Navigate through Date Formats

One of the key enhancements in our new task widget is the ability to link tasks with contacts. This allows you to associate tasks with specific individuals, making it easier to track the progress and responsibilities of each team member. With just a few clicks, you can assign tasks to relevant contacts and collaborate seamlessly.

Additionally, we have improved the navigation through date formats. The new widget provides different formats to view and manage task deadlines, ensuring that you have the flexibility to choose the date format that suits your preference. Whether you prefer the month-day-year or the day-month-year format, our widget has got you covered!

View Task Details Directly from the Widget

We believe in providing quick access to essential information, and that’s why we have empowered our task widget to display task details directly. Now, you can easily view task title, due date, task description, contact name, and assigned user directly from the widget. No need to navigate to separate pages or open multiple tabs – all the crucial details are available at your fingertips.

To summarize, here are the key features of our revamped task widget:

  • Link tasks with contacts for better collaboration.
  • Choose from multiple date formats to suit your preferences.
  • View task details directly from the widget, saving time and effort.

With these exciting updates, we aim to bring efficiency and convenience to your task management process. We hope that our revamped task widget enhances your productivity and streamlines your workflow.

So why wait? Go ahead and explore the new and improved task widget today!