Introducing Exciting Enhancements for the Service Calendar!


Hi, there! Today, I am thrilled to introduce to you some exciting enhancements for the Service Calendar. They are designed to make your booking experience even better, giving you more flexibility and control. Let me walk you through the new features.

Improved Descriptions for Service Calendar

I am excited to share that the Service Calendar now allows you to add descriptions visible on the widget. This enhancement lets you provide more information about your services and help your potential customers understand what each service entails. You can include details such as duration, special requirements, or any other important information you want to communicate. With this feature, you can ensure that your guests have a clear understanding of what to expect when booking your services.

Enable or Disable Option to Add Guests

We understand that every business is unique, and sometimes, you may prefer to allow or disallow guests to be added when booking. Well, now you have the power to do just that! With our latest update, bookers can easily enable or disable the option for guests to be added. If you prefer to have a more personalized approach and communicate directly with each guest before confirming the booking, you can disable this option. On the other hand, if you are ready to welcome walk-ins or additional guests, you can simply enable it. The choice is all yours!

Enable or Disable Multiple Service Selections

In line with our commitment to flexibility, we have also added the ability to enable or disable multiple service selections. This means that now you have full control over whether guests can select multiple services at once or if they need to book them one at a time. This feature is particularly useful for businesses offering packages or bundles. By enabling multiple service selections, you allow your customers to conveniently book all the services they need in one go, saving them time and effort.

So, there you have it — the exciting enhancements we have made to the Service Calendar. I genuinely hope that these updates will make your booking process smoother and more efficient. We value your feedback, so please feel free to reach out and let us know how these improvements work for you. Stay tuned for more exciting features coming your way in the near future!

Remember, the Service Calendar is all about making your life easier and providing your guests with a seamless booking experience. Happy booking!

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