Master the Art of Creating Busy Schedules with Calendars

Master the Art of Creating Busy Schedules with Calendars


Hey there, fellow busy bees! Today, I want to chat about the amazing skill of mastering the art of creating busy schedules using calendars. Buckle up, because I’m about to spill the beans on how to make the most out of your time and never miss a beat in your jam-packed life. Let’s dive right in!

Embrace the “Look Busy” Setting Feature

I can’t stress enough how invaluable the new “look busy” setting feature is. With just a click, I can now automatically block off a percentage of my calendar to give off that ‘swamped with work’ vibe. It’s the perfect tool for those days when you need some breathing room without anyone questioning your availability.

Stay Organized with Color-Coded Categories

One of my top tricks for managing a hectic schedule is using color-coded categories. By assigning different colors to various tasks or appointments, I can easily visualize my day at a glance. Plus, it adds a pop of fun to an otherwise monotonous calendar!

Prioritize Like a Pro

When my schedule resembles a tornado of events, prioritization becomes key. I make sure to list tasks in order of importance, tackling the most critical ones first. This way, even if chaos reigns, I know I’m always on top of my game.

Procrastination? Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!

Let’s be real – we all struggle with procrastination now and then. But when you’re a master of busy schedules, there’s no room for putting things off. I combat procrastination by breaking tasks into smaller chunks and setting strict deadlines. After all, time waits for no one!

Strike a Balance with Self-Care Slots

Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s crucial to carve out time for self-care. I block off specific slots in my calendar for activities that recharge my batteries, whether it’s a yoga session, a nature walk, or indulging in my favorite book. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Ready to Dive In?

For those eager to take their calendar game to the next level, a 14-day free trial at is just a click away. And if you need a personalized walkthrough from the team, don’t hesitate to reach out here: Now go forth, embrace your busy schedule, and conquer the world one task at a time!
