Enhanced Calendar Snapshot: A Closer Look at the Latest Updates!


Hey there, I’m Sean from High Levels, and I’m thrilled to bring you some exciting news about the enhanced calendar snapshot feature. In this article, I’ll take you through the latest updates, including seamless transfer of widget customization, staff selection, guest details, custom form response recording, and notification preferences. We’ll also discuss a bug fix that addresses the issue of exporting snapshots. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the details!

Seamless Transfer of Calendar Widget Customization:

One of the notable improvements in the enhanced calendar snapshot feature is the seamless transfer of widget customization. Now, you can effortlessly transfer your preferred design, colors, and layouts to different widgets. With just a few clicks, you can apply your favorite customization settings to any calendar widget you choose.

Staff Selection Made Easy:

Managing staff schedules is now simpler than ever. The new upgrade allows you to select specific staff members for each snapshot, ensuring that everyone’s availability and responsibilities are accurately reflected. Whether you’re a team leader or an individual user, this feature provides a convenient way to streamline staff management.

Adding Guests and Recording Details:

When organizing events or meetings, it’s essential to keep track of guest lists and their relevant details. The enhanced calendar snapshot feature enables you to add guests and record specific information about them. From contact information to dietary preferences, you can capture all the necessary details in one place, making event planning a breeze.

Custom Form Response Recording:

Need to collect additional information from your guests or participants? High Levels has got you covered! The latest update allows you to create custom forms tied to your calendar snapshots. By including personalized questions and response fields, you can gather specific data tailored to your event requirements.

Notification Preferences:

Staying updated with calendar-related changes is crucial for effective scheduling. High Levels recognizes this importance and has introduced notification preferences in the enhanced calendar snapshot feature. Now, you can choose your preferred method of staying in the loop – be it through email notifications, push notifications, or both. Stay informed, stay organized!

Bug Fix: Exporting Snapshots:

By paying attention to user feedback, High Levels has identified and resolved a bug in the calendar snapshot feature. Previously, when exporting a snapshot, the group names appeared as “untitled teams.” Thanks to the bug fix, now the actual group names will be displayed accurately, ensuring a more professional and organized representation.

In conclusion, the enhanced calendar snapshot feature by High Levels brings a range of upgrades aimed at improving user convenience and functionality. From seamless transfer of customization settings to personalized forms and bug fixes, these updates provide users with a more robust and reliable scheduling tool. So why wait? Dive into the enhanced calendar snapshot feature now and experience a new level of organization and efficiency.

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