Exploring Exciting New Image Action Features for Funnels & Websites!

Exploring Exciting New Image Action Features for Funnels & Websites!

Hey there, folks! I’m thrilled to share with you the latest scoop on the brand-new options that have been sprinkled into the Image Action feature on our beloved high-level platform. This update is a game-changer, bringing a whole new level of interactivity and engagement to your websites and funnels.


Well, let’s kick things off by diving headfirst into the fantastic additions that have been made to the Image Action functionality. Trust me, you’re in for a real treat!

  1. Hide-and-Seek, Anyone?
    First off, users now have the power to hide elements within their images. It’s like magic – poof, and they’re gone! How cool is that?

  2. Revealing Secrets: Showing Elements
    On the flip side, you can also show hidden elements within your images. It’s the perfect way to unveil surprises and keep your audience on the edge of their seats.

  3. Taking a Step Forward: Next Step Feature
    With the new “Step Next” option, you can guide your visitors seamlessly through a series of actions. It’s like leading them by the hand on a captivating journey.

  4. Ring, Ring! Call It Out Loud
    Need to drive action? Now, you can include a direct call feature within your images. One click, and your audience can connect with you in an instant.

  5. Text Me Maybe: SMS Integration
    Stay connected with your audience like never before! The Image Action update lets you share SMS details right from your images. How handy is that?

  6. Shoot an Email: Email Address Integration
    Last but not least, you can now include your email address as an actionable element within your images. Say goodbye to missed opportunities!

This revamped Image Action feature offers a myriad of options for spicing up your websites and funnels. From hiding and revealing elements to seamless navigation and direct calls to action, the possibilities are endless. It’s all about creating engaging experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into these new features, get creative, and watch your online presence soar to new heights! I’m excited to see how you make the most of these dynamic tools. Let’s shake things up and make magic happen together!

And there you have it – the lowdown on the exciting new Image Action features that are set to revolutionize your online game. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations coming your way soon!
