Live Coverage: Internationalization of Forms and Surveys

Live Coverage: Internationalization of Forms and Surveys


Good news for businesses and organizations expanding their reach globally! Our app has rolled out brand new forms of surveys internationalization release. This release ensures that the app is compatible with multiple languages, providing support on both location and user level, with a user level override feature. This is a game-changer, as it enables businesses to reach out to customers in their preferred language, thus, making it easier to connect and engage with them.

Announcement of Brand New Forms of Surveys Internationalization Release

The team at our app is excited to announce the release of brand new forms of surveys internationalization. This new feature will enable businesses to create surveys in multiple languages for their global audience. Whether a company operates in Europe, Asia, or America, they can easily communicate with customers in their preferred language without any limitations.

International Translations have Rolled Out for Forms and Surveys in the App

Our app has rolled out international translations, which allows businesses and organizations to create surveys in multiple languages. This feature will have a significant impact on how companies communicate with their global audience. What’s more, is that this feature is customizable, with support at both the location and user level.

Supported on Both Location and User Level with User Level Override Feature

The internationalizations release feature is fully supported on both the location and user level, with the user level override feature. This feature is particularly useful for companies that operate in multiple languages and want to communicate with customers in their preferred language. With this feature, companies can provide different languages for individual users, making it easier for users to understand the questions and providing accurate responses.

German and Spanish Languages are Already Available

The internationalizations release feature is already available in German and Spanish languages. More languages are expected to roll out with time. Companies can select multiple languages to reach out to their customers in their preferred language.

Useful for Those Rolling Out International Access to Customers

The internationalizations release feature is useful for companies that are expanding their reach globally and want to connect with customers in their local languages. Effective communication is essential to build trust and engage with customers. Now, with the internationalizations release feature, companies can create surveys in multiple languages to reach out to their customers in their preferred language.

No Other Updates Mentioned in the Video

While there have been no other updates mentioned in the video besides the internationalizations release feature related to forms and surveys in the app, we believe this is a significant enhancement that will have a significant impact on how companies communicate with their global audience.

Sean is Excited about the Release and Thinks it’s Cool

During the announcement video, Sean, the product manager at the app, expressed his excitement about the release of the internationalizations feature. He believes that the feature is cool and has a lot of potential to help companies engage with their global audience more effectively.

Sean Wishes Everyone a Great Thursday

In conclusion, the internationalizations release feature is a game-changer, allowing businesses to connect with customers worldwide in their preferred language. Sean and the entire app team are thrilled about this release and wish everyone a great Thursday!