Tracking Manual Sales for Affiliates: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tracking Manual Sales for Affiliates: A Step-by-Step Guide


As a savvy affiliate marketer, I understand the importance of tracking manual sales for affiliates accurately. Whether it’s ensuring proper commission attribution or optimizing performance, having a seamless system in place is crucial. In this article, I will guide you through the process of setting up manual sales tracking within a workflow, using a single trigger and the “add manual sales for affiliates” action.

Setting Up Manual Sales Tracking

So, how do I go about tracking manual sales effectively? It’s simple, really! By automating manual sales entries, I can guarantee precise commission tracking for affiliate-driven sales, no matter where they occur—inside or outside the system. Here’s how I do it:

  1. Configure the Trigger and Action: The first step is to set up the trigger and action within the workflow. This action will kick in whenever a manual sale needs to be recorded for an affiliate.

  2. Toggle on “Auto Track Affiliate via Attribution”: This option is a game-changer! By enabling this feature, the system will automatically attribute the sale to the right affiliate, saving me time and effort.

  3. Select the Campaign: Next, I make sure to select the appropriate campaign for which the manual sale is being recorded. This ensures that the sale is attributed to the correct marketing initiative.

  4. Assign Revenue and Event Date: It’s essential to input the revenue generated from the sale and specify the date on which the event occurred. This information is vital for accurate tracking and reporting.

  5. Save the Action: Once all the details are in place, I hit that save button! This final step ensures that the manual sale entry is recorded and tracked seamlessly within the affiliate system.

By following these simple steps, I can streamline the process of tracking manual sales for affiliates and gain valuable insights into the performance of my affiliate campaigns. So, why wait? Let’s start optimizing our affiliate marketing efforts today!

Wasn’t that easy? Tracking manual sales for affiliates has never been more straightforward!