How to Send Certificates Upon Course Completion


Sending certificates upon course completion is an important feature for any online learning platform. It enhances user experience and motivates learners to complete their courses. At our platform, we understand the significance of certificates and have integrated this feature with our new courses offering. This article will guide you on how to send certificates upon course completion, empowering you to reward and acknowledge your learners effectively.

We have integrated certificates with our new courses feature

With our latest update, we have made it easier than ever to issue certificates to your learners upon course completion. By integrating certificates with our courses feature, we have streamlined the entire process. Now you can effortlessly reward your learners for their hard work and dedication.

Users can now create custom certificates

To provide a personalized touch to the certificate issuance process, we have enabled users to create custom certificates. This allows you to tailor the design, content, and format of the certificates according to your brand guidelines and course requirements. Giving users the freedom to create custom certificates ensures that each learner receives a unique and memorable recognition of their achievement.

Certificates can be issued to users upon course completion

Issuing certificates upon course completion is as simple as a few clicks. Our platform automatically tracks the progress of each learner and generates certificates when they successfully complete a course. The certificates can then be easily shared with the learners via email, download links, or even direct printing.

To make the process even more efficient, you can choose to schedule the issuance of certificates at specific intervals or upon completing certain milestones. This allows you to reward learners on a timely basis, fostering a sense of accomplishment and encouraging them to continue their learning journey.


Sending certificates upon course completion is a powerful way to motivate learners and recognize their achievements. With our integrated certificates feature, you can effortlessly issue certificates to users, allowing them to showcase their accomplishments. By offering the option to create custom certificates, you can further enhance the personalization and branding of the certification process. Start leveraging this feature today to engage and reward your learners effectively.

Remember, at our platform, we are committed to providing you with cutting-edge tools and features to enhance your online learning experience. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations as we continue to strive for excellence.