Live Email Verification for Forms and Surveys!

Live Email Verification for Forms and Surveys!


In the realm of online marketing and data collection, having accurate information is paramount. Gone are the days of wading through fake email submissions or erroneous data. HighLevel has stepped up its game by introducing a fantastic feature – Live Email Verification for Forms and Surveys! Let’s dive into the details of this game-changing addition and see how it can revolutionize your data collection processes.

Email Verification Feature

HighLevel’s newest update includes an innovative email verification feature that is set to shake up the way we collect information. No longer will you have to sift through piles of fake submissions or incorrect email addresses. This feature is designed to streamline the verification process, making sure you get only the most accurate and genuine leads.

Unique Verification Code

One of the standout aspects of this feature is the ability for users to validate email addresses through a unique verification code. This adds an extra layer of security and authenticity to your data collection efforts. By implementing this code, you can rest assured that the leads you generate are legitimate and not just bots or spam accounts.

Preventing Fake Submissions

Have you ever been frustrated by fake submissions skewing your data? With HighLevel’s Live Email Verification, those worries are a thing of the past. This tool helps ensure that only real, valid email addresses make it through, saving you time and hassle in the long run.

Benefits of Live Email Verification

  • Save Time: Say goodbye to manually verifying email addresses.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Ensure that your data is reliable and up-to-date.
  • Boost Conversion Rates: Genuine leads lead to greater success in your marketing campaigns.


In conclusion, HighLevel’s Live Email Verification for Forms and Surveys is a game-changer in the world of data collection. With its unique verification code system and emphasis on genuine leads, this feature is sure to elevate your marketing efforts to new heights. Say hello to accuracy and goodbye to fake submissions – HighLevel has you covered!