New Update: CC and BCC Features Now Added, Exciting Announcement for Our Users! 😃


HighLevel is thrilled to announce the release of a highly anticipated feature on the email composer. Users now have more flexibility and control over their email communications with the addition of the CC and BCC fields. This exciting update enhances the email composer and offers users an improved experience when managing their email recipients. In this article, we will explore the new CC and BCC features, their functionalities, and how users can easily access and utilize them.

CC and BCC: More Flexibility and Control

With the introduction of the CC and BCC feature on the email composer, HighLevel users can now enjoy enhanced flexibility and control over their email communications. This exciting update allows users to include additional recipients in the CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) fields, keeping them in the loop without the original recipient’s knowledge.

The Enhanced Email Composer

The email composer has been revamped to seamlessly accommodate the CC and BCC fields. HighLevel understands the importance of having a user-friendly interface, and the email composer’s enhancement reflects this commitment. Users will find it intuitive and easy to navigate, making their email composition experience efficient and enjoyable.

Locating and Accessing CC and BCC Fields

Finding and accessing the CC and BCC fields is now a breeze for HighLevel users. The email composer prominently displays these fields, allowing users to effortlessly add recipients to the CC and BCC lists. Whether it’s an important colleague, a client, or a team member, users can ensure that the right people receive a copy of their email.

Any Number of CC or BCC Recipients

HighLevel users can now add any number of recipients to the CC and BCC fields. Whether it’s a single recipient or a long list of contacts, the email composer can accommodate them all. This flexibility empowers users to streamline their email communications and include all relevant parties without any hassle.

Seamless Integration with Gmail and Outlook

The CC and BCC feature works flawlessly with popular email platforms like Gmail and Outlook. Two-way sync ensures that the CC and BCC recipients are accurately reflected across all platforms. HighLevel prioritizes seamless integration, allowing users to enjoy a smooth experience regardless of their preferred email provider.

Exclusive Availability in the New UI

The CC and BCC feature is exclusively available in HighLevel’s new UI. Users who have transitioned to the new UI will be able to take full advantage of this exciting addition. Its availability ensures that users can access the latest features and enhancements, reflecting HighLevel’s commitment to providing the best user experience.

Activating the Feature in Labs

To activate the CC and BCC feature, HighLevel users can navigate to the Labs section under the new conversation UI settings. Once enabled, users can start utilizing the CC and BCC fields in their email compositions, expanding their communication options and efficiently managing recipient lists.

In conclusion, HighLevel’s new update brings a smile to the faces of users with the introduction of the CC and BCC features on the email composer. This exciting announcement offers users more flexibility and control over their email communications. With the enhanced email composer, locating and accessing the CC and BCC fields becomes effortless. Users can add any number of recipients, ensuring all relevant parties receive their emails. Seamless integration with Gmail and Outlook further enhances the user experience. The CC and BCC feature is exclusively available in the new UI, reflecting HighLevel’s commitment to continually improving their platform. To take advantage of this new feature, users can activate it in Labs under the new conversation UI settings. It’s time to embrace the power of the CC and BCC features and elevate your email communications with HighLevel.