NMI and Authorize.net Provide Live Support for Affiliate Management Software


Are you looking for a reliable and efficient affiliate management software system? Look no further than HighLevel! In this article, we will review HighLevel’s latest update that introduces live support for NMI and Authorize.net payment gateways. With this new feature, users can now enjoy a seamless and secure payment process, making HighLevel an even more powerful tool for managing affiliate programs.

HighLevel: All-In-One Affiliate Management Software

HighLevel has gained a solid reputation for providing a comprehensive affiliate management software system. Whether you want to run your own affiliate programs or use them as referral programs for your customers, HighLevel has you covered. Their sophisticated software allows you to effortlessly track referrals, commissions, and conversions.

Expanded Payment Options

In response to user feedback, HighLevel recently announced that they now support both authorize.net and NMI payment gateways. This expansion of payment options beyond just Stripe is a game-changer for businesses that prefer different payment gateways. With this update, HighLevel is dedicated to providing its users with a flexible and customizable experience.

Instant Assistance with Live Support

One feature that sets HighLevel apart from other affiliate management software systems is their commitment to customer satisfaction. The addition of live support for NMI and Authorize.net payment gateways exemplifies their dedication. Users can now expect immediate assistance whenever they encounter any issues with payment processing, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Future Possibilities with an Open API

HighLevel is always looking for ways to enhance their software and provide even more value to their users. With the promise of an open API in the near future, HighLevel aims to integrate with any payment provider, expanding their payment options even further. This will allow users to seamlessly connect their preferred payment gateway and enjoy the benefits of using HighLevel’s affiliate management software.


HighLevel’s introduction of live support for NMI and Authorize.net payment gateways is a significant milestone in their quest to provide the best possible experience for their users. With the ability to run affiliate programs and utilize different payment gateways, HighLevel is the ultimate solution for businesses seeking an all-in-one affiliate management software system. Stay tuned for more updates from HighLevel as they continue to evolve and innovate in the industry.